Test for SIBO at home and have your results analysed and explained by a gut Naturopath and sent to you. Finally get the answers you need for your gut issues!
What you get:
- Highest quality practitioner-level SIBO Test (Lactulose).
- SIBO test kit delivered to your door.
- Guidelines on how to prepare for the test correctly.
- Video instructions on how to do the test correctly.
- Expert and in-depth analysis of test results by gut Naturopath (Shae)
- Interpretation of test results video emailed to you.
- Recommendations on treatment next steps based on test results.
- Test details: Simple, non-invasive breath test at home (Note: requires a 24 hour prep diet and 12 hour overnight fast to prepare for the test)
Finally get answers for what is going on in your gut and causing your symptoms! No more feeling lost, confused or guessing.
* This test is for Aus residents only.
* Test results will be interpreted and sent to you within 3 days of being received.
* No refunds possible.
* The lab requires Date of Birth, Postage address, email and phone number for order a test kit. PLEASE NOTE: Address must be a physical address and not a post box address due to lab requirements.
Any questions? Email [email protected]