Order your at-home SIBO test and have your results correctly interpreted by a gut Naturopath!
Finally get the right answers for your gut issues and get the right treatment so you can start getting better faster.
It's not enough just to get the test done, it has to be interpreted CORRECTLY...
Over the years, I have seen MANY patients come to me with wrongly interpreted test results, after following the wrong plan to a T, and not seeing any results. Because it wasn't the right treatment.
SIBO test results are complex, and need to be interpreted by an experienced practitioner. The last thing you need is the wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment - setting you back months or years, and hundreds of dollars on appointments and supplements for nothing.
Order your at-home SIBO test kit, get it shipped right to your door, get the correct interpretation and get started on the correct treatment so you can finally start getting better.

Accurate Diagnosis
Find out if you have SIBO, and what type of SIBO it is. When interpreted correctly, a lactulose breath test can identify hydrogen, methane or hydrogen sulfide SIBO. (Hydrogen sulfide only available in USA).

Save money & time
Finding out if you have SIBO and getting an accurate test interpretation can take up to 2 appointments with a naturopath and cost upwards of $150-$350 just for the appointments. You can find out if it's SIBO and have the results interpreted for a small fee on top of the test cost before moving forward with committing to a practitioner.

Find if you have gut dysbiosis
If interpreted correctly, a SIBO test can show signs of gut dysbiosis, and show whether this might be causing some of your symptoms. Sometimes the signs and symptoms of SIBO & dysbiosis are overlapping - this can help differentiate and guide further testing and treatment.

Video interpretation of results
A video interpretation of your results will be sent directly to you within 3 days of results being received, walking you through exactly what they mean, what treatment is needed and your next steps.
Finally get the answers you need to fix your gut issues!
Test for SIBO at home and have your results analysed + explained by a gut Naturopath and sent to you.
❌ No more worrying about what's really going on with your gut and health.
❌ No more sleepless nights trying to figure out what's causing your gut issues and how to fix it.
❌ No more feeling lost, confused or guessing.
❌ No more following the wrong treatment plan.
✅ Finally get the answer - is it SIBO or not?!
You can't just guess if it's SIBO. You have to test...
It's impossible to know whether it's truly SIBO without testing.
You can make an educated guess that it's SIBO, but until you test, you don't know.
SIBO has similar symptoms to MANY other gut conditions and issues.
And, sometimes the SIBO symptoms don't correlate perfectly with the types of SIBO and what we know about them.
So you have to test to:
- Know if it's SIBO; and
- Know which type of SIBO it is
Because different types of SIBO require different treatments - you don't treat all SIBO the same!
If you're guessing or doing the wrong treatment, you'll waste precious time and money.
Do the test properly, and then you know for sure.
What's included:
- Highest quality practitioner-level SIBO Test (Lactulose).
- SIBO test kit delivered to your door.
- Guidelines on how to prepare for the test correctly.
- Video instructions on how to do the test correctly.
- Expert and in-depth analysis of test results by gut Naturopath (Shae)
- Interpretation of test results video emailed to you.
- Recommendations on treatment next steps based on test results.
Find out if you have SIBO or not.
Finally get the right diagnosis and on the right treatment plan. Order your at-home SIBO test kit today.
What does the test involve?
Do I need to stop certain supplements?
SIBO Test Interpretation
Already have your SIBO test but not sure how to read the results or not confident hey have been interpreted properly?
If you feel like you're stuck, lost and not getting any better on your current treatment and want to double check, or have already ordered a SIBO test - you can purchase just the test interpretation here.
Order a SIBO test interpretation hereWatch the FREE Could Your Bloating be SIBO? Masterclass
Are you bloated and uncomfortable daily? Have cramping and gut pain? Reflux? Indigestion? Constipation or diarrhoea?
It might be a condition called SIBO.
In this FREE Instant Access online masterclass with gut Naturopath Shae Cantrell (BHSc), you will learn what SIBO is, if you might have it, how to test for it and how to get rid of it.
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